The 5th AutomationML PlugFest will take place from 25th to 26th of September 2019 in Hamburg (Germany).
The optimization of engineering processes of production systems was in recent years mainly focused on improving the work of the individual engineering disciplines. This point of view changed from improvements within single disciplines to the optimization of engineering networks and data exchange. AutomationML is one of the major enablers for optimized engineering networks.
At the 5th AutomationML PlugFest attendees will get the chance to discuss this role of AutomationML. Therefore the PlugFest will address basics about how to implement AutomationML interfaces, the requirements, and capabilities of setting up toolchains or engineering data logistics as well as advanced concepts for data handling within them. Success stories will be presented and use cases for AutomationML which go beyond the current scope of the data exchange format.
Short facts
Call for speakers: closed
Conference Program: Program
Registration: Click here to register for the PlugFest!
Working Language: English
Participation Fees: All fees plus 19% VAT.
- Both days: 499 Euro
- One day: 299 Euro
- The participation is free of charge for one speakers for each accepted contribution and for two people per AutomationML e.V. member (Speakers will be included).
- Note: Due to the structure of our banking account it is not possible to pay the participation fee by credit card.
Venue and Directions: Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, Germany
Hotels: Each attendee gets this information after registration.
- max. 50 attendees