An aim of the cooperation of AutomationML e.V. and eCl@ss e.V. will be the development of rules defining, on the one hand, how eCl@ss descriptions can be syntactically standardised with the data exchange format AutomationML, and, on the other hand, how they can be exchanged – semantically unambiguously.
An aim of the cooperation of AutomationML e.V. and OPC Foundation will be the development of an applicable structure to transmit AutomationML structured information by use of OPC technology.
An aim of the cooperation of AutomationML e.V. and ProSTEP iViP will be about intensifying cooperation between both parties with regard to the AutomationML (IEC 62714), JT (ISO 14306) and STEP AP 242 (ISO 10303-242), and by this to strive towards the harmonization of these specifications.
From 26th to 28th of November 2013 AutomationML e.V. will be found in hall 7 on the PLCopen booth (7-174). Visit us! We will be pleased to provide information about the data exchange format „AutomationML“.