The new version of the AutomationML Editor contains the following changes:
- New method Copy CAEX object ID in context menu of tree nodes allows to copy the CAEX object ID.
- Move and Copy paste actions are defined now also for Role references (SupportedRoleClass and RoleRequirements).
- New feature in reference navigation dialogue allows to navigate forward and backward.
- New feature in paste dialogue allows to apply the paste action without closing the dialogue and to proceed with another selected target.
- New search option Attribute value in tree search allows to search for elements with a specific attribute value.
- Additional button in tree search control allows to reduce or enlarge the tree to display the search result.
- New navigation buttons are shown in a new pop-up window at the bottom of the search dialogue when a text is entered in the search field, F3 and shift+F3 are supported.
- The search range is defined by the selected element in a tree view, the current range is labelled in the pop up window.
- New method Goto referenced CAEX object added to attribute context menu if the attribute datatype is defined as xs:IDREF and the value is a valid CAEX object ID.