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Domain Models

Re-usable pattern solutions and domain models for industrial applications

On this page you will find some domain models, for which you can find more detailed explanations in the book „AutomationML – the industrial cookbook“. Additions or examples to the domain models from the book can be found on the book page.

Use Case: Process Industry

AML domain model for VDI 3697-1: Data exchange between CAE and PCS

This domain models pursues the information modelling and exchange of PCE requests between process and automation engineering. The domain model is specified in the VDI 3697-1 and follows the NAMUR recommendation NE150. The data model is named NAMUR container.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Data exchange between CAE systems

This domain model extents the scope of VDI3697-1 and pursues the information modelling and exchange of engineering data between CAE systems. The domain model is specified in the VDI 3697-2.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

MTP – Module Type Package

The domain model of the MTP specifies an information model for modules in the domain of modular automation. The Module Type Package, on which the engineering is based upon, is described in the German guideline VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 – and accepted as IEC 63280 new work item proposal [IEC 63280].

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Use case: Oil & Gas Industry

SCD – System Control Diagrams

This domain models for SCDs pursues the information modelling and exchange of SCD diagrams according to IEC PAS 63131. A system control diagram (SCD) contains elements both from process/utility flow diagrams and control logic diagrams. It can be looked upon as the result of merging a control system logic diagram with a simplified process/utility flow diagram.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Use case: Factory Automation

AR Automation Project Configuration – data exchange between ECAD and PLC

This domain models pursues the exchange of automation project configurations between ECAD and PLC, for example between EPLAN and the Siemens TIA portal.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

AR DRIVE MCAD – modelling of drive configurations

This domain model pursues the exchange of drive configurations across engineering tools, meaning AR DRIVES MCAD and its interrelation to the ARE APC Drive.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Material Handling

This domain model pursues the data exchange between engineering tools related to material handling. The definition of “material handling” involves the movement (transportation), protection, storage, control, and coding of materials and products through a manufacturing system. A material handling system is a typical example of a mechatronics system with mechanical, electrical, and software engineering aspects and demands the collaboration of many different technical fields.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Use case: General automation industry

AutomationML Component

This domain model provides a comprehensive information model for general automation components. The AutomationML component enables the representation of lately all information required for component-based production system engineering.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Modelling of electrical interfaces

This domain models pursues the modelling and exchange of electrical interfaces as M5 or M8, cables, devices and topologies. The provided libraries offer a vendor-neutral construction kit in the form of standardized industrial connectors. The approach presented here is intended as a further step on the way to electronic product/solution catalogues and the progressive digitization of business and engineering processes in industry.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Component Checker

The Component Checker is a software service that provides automatic data quality checks.


Modelling of communication networks

This domain model pursues the modelling and exchange of complex communication networks with a separation of physical and logical topologies that reflects the needs of modern communication systems.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.


Modelling of OPC-UA

This domain model pursues the modelling of OPC-UA servers based on standard AutomationML classes.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.


Use case: Industry 4.0

Asset Administration Shell (AAS)

This domain models pursues the modelling of engineering data according to the AAS specifications, AutomationML as engineering submodel for the asset administration shell.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Use case: Semantic integration

Semantic heterogeneity

This domain model pursues the interoperability between tools without the need of harmonization of data models.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Extended Role Class Libraries

The extended role class libraries are domain specific extends of the standard AutomationML class libraries and pursue the information modelling and exchange for various purposes.

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.

Use case: Enterprise control system integration

Modelling of IEC 62264 and ISA-95

This domain model pursues the data exchange based on IEC 62264. IEC 62264 provides modelling hints for many concepts that occur within the higher levels of the automation hierarchy: the enterprise resource planning (ERP) level and the manufacturing operations management (MOM) level (corresponding control systems are usually called manufacturing execution systems, MESs).

Domain Model: a re-usable set of AutomationML classes.