Best Paper Award 2017

Best Paper Award

We are happy to announce that a paper emerged from AutomationML research activities has won this year’s “James C. Hung Best Paper Award in Factory Automation” of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) in Limassol, Cyprus.


AutomationML users came together for the fourth AutomationML PlugFest

From 11th to 12th of October, 2017 fifty users and developers of engineering tools for factory planning from 29 companies and research institutes met at the fourth AutomationML PlugFest to discuss experiences gained within the application of the AutomationML data format and within the implementation of importers and exporters for engineering tools.

Automation ML Placeholder

AutomationML mentioned by Industrie 4.0 platform

The task force „SG Modelle und Standardisierung“ has developed a new document that shows the „further development of the reference architecture model for Industrie 4.0 components“. It says that AutomationML has the potential to become an important format for storing structure and engineering knowledge.