At this conference experts and users of the data exchange format AutomationML had shared their knowledge and their current activities with the audience. One highlight was the keynote of Roland Heidel (chairman of IEC TC65) who displayed the possible role of AutomationML within „Industrie 4.0“ approaches and the relevance of joint efforts for standardisation. Besides presentations from industry and scientific point of view workshops were provided which gave a more detailed view onto specific aspects of AML. In comparison with the second conference two years ago the number of attendees had increased. All in all the attendees gave a positive feedback about the conference´s content and organisation.
Furthermore, AutomationML would like to thank Phoenix Contact for its support and the opportunity to host the third AutomationML conference in Blomberg as well as all people who have contributed to the success.
In October 2015, the 3rd AutomationML Plug fest will take place then.