This application recommendation proposes a modelling method of drive configurations based on automation project configuration data by means of the engineering data format AutomationML. It describes the recommended use of role and interface classes as well as the recommended structures to be considered within the instance hierarchy of an AutomationML document.
A very frequently occurring task within the planning process of production and automation systems is the exchange of automation project configuration information of automation system devices between ECAD and engineering systems. This information includes a wide range of diverse hardware modules and systems, like PLCs, decentral IO-devices and drives. To avoid manual transfer of the engineering data between the participating systems, ECAD and engineering systems need an interface for sharing this information. This information will not only include all necessary hardware modules and interconnections, yet also additional logical and structural information of the system, which are provided at an early stage of the planning process and have to be preserved through the whole planning process. Using this automatic data transfer errors on manual copying data can be avoided. Also, for changes of the system, the reaction time can be reduced to a large extend.
With this application recommendation, we extend the configuration information of /AR APC V 1.2.0/ by the definition of a drive. A drive or motor controller consists of one or more hardware modules that serves to govern in some predetermined manner the performance of an electric motor. Within our specification we will use a dedicated drive object which acts as a representation of the drive and references all hardware modules which are needed to provide this functionality. We also will use a drive object to control other aspects of a drive configuration, as for example power control or handling of additional input signals which contribute to overall drive behavior. A drive object may also be used to control other aspects of a drive system. This application recommendation describes these workflows in accordance to and with the methods of /AR APC V 1.2.0/.