In the current edition of the specialist magazine (May 2013) you can read the fifth article „AutomationML – Engineering-Effizienz für Antriebs- und Automatisierungslösungen“ of the AutomationML series.
AutomationML Office
April 1st, 2013. Magdeburg. We are happy to welcome Fraunhofer IPA as a new member of the AutomationML association.
Further articles of AutomationML series were published in the specialist magazine. Both articles consider the topic of data exchange.
In the current double edition of the specialist magazine (February 2013) you can read the second article „AutomationML – die Architektur“ of the AutomationML series.
With the 12th edition (December 2012) of „SPS-Magazin“ a publication series about the data exchange format for plant layout „AutomationML“ starts.
The second AutomationML User Conference took place at the “Kongresshalle Böblingen” in Böblingen in May 2012. Now the conference proceedings and implementer examples are available.
From 27th to 29th of November 2012 AutomationML e.V. will be found on the SPS/IPC/Drives in Nürnberg. You can find us in hall 7 on the PLCopen booth (7-293).
AutomationML e.V. created its own YouTube channel to distribute information in an easy accessible and descriptive way.
September 1st, 2012. Magdeburg. We are happy to welcome TU München as a new member to the AutomationML association
And once again the international standardization of AutomationML relevant data formats takes a next stage.