Magdeburg – The next version of the AutomationML Editor (V6) is now available.
The AutomationML e.V. releases the next generation of the AutomationML Editor Version 6, featuring a new design, improved usability, dark mode, simplified modelling of versions and derivations of classes, simplified instance generation and instance updating, extended support for the mirror concept, auto-save, integrated download of AML libraries/examples, direct access to supplementary content to the new and upcoming AutomationML Books, visualization of product images, auto update and new plug-ins such as AMLDraw, XMLViewer or AMLDocman, as well as many further improvements and bugfixes.
Version 6 furthermore introduces a new license model: The AutomationML editor is still freely available but introduces some restrictions in the size of AutomationML models or the use of some PlugIns. The size restrictions are generous and do not affect its applicability for most educational and didactical purposes.
Members of the AutomationML e.V. receive the license key automatically through membership via the members area, and the license is distributable to the entire company/organization. Members of the AutomationML e.V. are unlimited in model sizes, and additionally can use additional functions and plug-ins.
The previous unlimited version 5 remains available. For non-members, students or interested parties: in case you run into limitations, temporary license keys can be requested from the AutomationML office. Just get in touch with us at office@automationml.org.