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AutomationML Editor Version 6.2.2 is now available

Automation ML Placeholder

The AutomationML Editor Version 6.2.2 is now available. With version 6.2, the AutomationML Editor offers more support for the management and creation of AutomationML class libraries according to Conventions for the modelling of AutomationML libraries. Compared to previous versions, the use of the class and attribute type libraries, offered by AutomationML, has been fundamentally improved and standardized. These libraries are only integrated into your own documents via external references, using fixed server URLs.

The most important improvement in version 6.2 is the distribution of AutomationML libraries via a publicly accessible file server. The editor contains a preconfigured access to the AutomationML NextCloud as a file server. However, it is also possible to use a company-owned or privately used file server as long as it is accessible via the WebDAV/Https network protocol. All configured servers can also be used in parallel.

If your previous version is 6.1.x or older, please also read the detailed release notes for version 6.2.1 before installing this version.

New Features

  • A repository of all published classes and attribute types is available on the AutomationML file server. Published classes and attribute types can be searched for in the editor using a similarity search. If the search is successful, the required external reference is generated if required.


  • The prefix ‚AutomationML‘ is treated as a reserved name for libraries that are published on the AutomationML file server.
  • When publishing libraries, the repository of classes and attribute types is updated.


  • Fixed some issues regarding publishing of new library versions.
  • Fixed an issue where publishing a library without signing threw an exception.

More information on the latest version, as well as detailed instructions on how to use the latest features, can be found on Github.